• APO, FPO, DPO Orders for Armed Forces


Yes, we ship to Canadian & US Armed Forces addresses!

Instructions for APO / FPO / DPO shipping addresses for members serving in the US Armed Forces

Members serving in armed forces with either Canada or the USA may receive a discount code when one is active.
Please send a message with your military address to see if there is an active discount code.

Occasionally we get orders from those who are working for the US Armed Forces overseas and are requesting items be sent to an APO/FPO/DPO address.

In most cases shipments can be managed through Canada Post as it has addressing options for handling APO/FPO/DPO mail which is then handed off to USPS once it arrives Stateside.

The addressing system in the eCom site does not permit entering in AA, AE or AP for the state, but it does permit the entering in APO, FPO or DPO for the City as text – The solution is to add the AA, AE, AP information here along with the City as text, then put in an appropriate state (and I will omit it when manually entering information to Canada Post).

If you forget to add the AA, AE, or AP I can usually figure it out based on the other information like the postal code.

If you are having trouble with this, then send along your ‘home’ or ‘forwarding’ shipping address as well as the APO/FPO address and I’ll see what I can get to work in the Canada Post addressing system – but do let me know which one is your preferred option and I will use that as your default address.

The following explanatory information has been borrowed from:


All military addresses are treated as domestic mail, even if the actual destination is a foreign country. This is because USPS® delivers the packages to the domestic military base, and the military then delivers the mail around the world. Note that this means it can take longer than normal for delivery.

When shipping to military addresses, make sure you include the unit and box numbers (if assigned). To prevent the packages from entering foreign mail networks, do not include city or country names in APO, FPO and DPO shipping addresses; those three-letter designators should be entered in the City field, and AA, AE, or AP should be entered in the State field.

The proper format to enter a military address is: 

Name - First and Last
Address Line 1 - Unit and Box numbers
Address Line 2 - Usually not needed, but if the address includes an FOB (Forward Operating Base) it can be put here
City - APO (Army Post Office)/FPO (Fleet Post Office)/DPO (Diplomatic Post Office)
State - AA (Armed Forces Americas)/AE (Armed Forces Europe)/AP (Armed Forces Pacific)
Zip Code
Country - United States



First Last Name
Unit 1 Box 1000
APO, AE 09898
United States

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